
A Tale of Two Blood Flows: Health or Organ Dysfunction, Heart Attack & Stroke by Dr. Arlo Gordin

Blood is the lifeline of your body.  It carries all the substances, fuel, oxygen for life, and the construction materials to build, repair and rebuild everything in your body. That means to all your cells, tissues, organs, muscles, ligaments, cartilages and joints too. Your blood also carries away the waste materials, carbon dioxide from utilized energy and used oxygen, that is necessary to keep the cells and organs from succumbing to toxins and poisons of life’s activities.  If blood is cut off altogether from an area of the body, it will die rapidly from lack of oxygen.  That’s something a lot of people may know.  But the fact that reducing the blood supply to any area causes it to function poorly, the less blood getting there the worse it is, is little known or thought about by most people or their doctors.

One little known fact of blood flow has been observed, known and utilized in Chiropractic since the early days of our science. Early Chiropractic scientists noted that areas where there were “subluxations”, spinal vertebra malpositioned and pinching the nerves that emit from the spine, had areas next to them that were measurably COLDER than the other areas nearby.  That led to the development and use, as early as the first 1900’s, of heat measuring devices that would, as you dragged them down along a patient’s spine, go HOT HOT HOT COLD HOT HOT HOT.  And the colder spot would show you where the pinched and malfunctioning nerve was located.  That is where the Chiropractic adjustments were needed.

The reason that this occurs is a remarkable fact:  Every artery in your body is controlled by moment-to-moment control by your nerve system of that artery’s current diameter, and thus how much blood it is carrying.  You may have learned a bit about this if you knew of the two automatic (subconscious) nerve systems named the Sympathetic and the Parasympathetic. When you are being chased by a bear (or even in your mind, chased by a tax audit or by an irate spouse) your body subconsciously activates the Sympathetic Nervous System.  That is known as the Fight or Flight nerve action arrangement.  It will usually call on your Adrenal Glands (which hopefully are not exhausted like so many patients arrive to me in pain, inflammation, auto-immune, allergic and may be somewhat tortured) to give you Adrenaline to power up your Fight or Flight power and speed.  Also nerve control on a Macro level in Sympathetic, Fight or Flight, mode opens up the arterial diameter to get more blood and thus power function and get-more blood to your Lungs, Heart and Skeletal muscles.  Why?  To get you power to fight the bear, hit him hard, and/or to run away with plenty of blood, energy and oxygen to survive.  That is done by nerves opening all those major arteries, at the same time SHUTTING DOWN arterial blood flow to your gut and digestion.  You won’t need to Digest that much when in a fight for your life.


The opposing side of the Automatic (“Autonomic”) nerve system is the Parasympathetic.  It does essentially the opposite to the Sympathetic.  It is the “Vegetative” activation mode of your nerves on a Macro basis.  It is activated when you’ve comfortably finished a meal, and now will relax.  The blood flow is relatively reduced to all the fight or flight areas of your body, and the arteries are opened to get more blood to your digestive system, stomach, organs of digestion, intestines. They are now getting the lion’s share of your blood, and the areas needed to Fight or Run and Respond Fast are getting a reduced amount.  Nerves are opening the arterial size (diameter) of blood flowing to your gut, and relatively closing, reducing the blood to your muscles, heart and lungs.


That’s one area of Nerve/Blood Flow dynamics that is useful to understand and which is important.  But on a more “Micro” level, all individual limited arterial lines are under moment-to-moment control as to how much blood is being delivered.  When a nerve is interfered with, generally after a time if it stays that way, the blood flow to the area the nerve serves is diminished.  The reduction is so important that it reduces the health of the area served. The organ getting the blood gets interfered with and begins going downhill, eventually resulting in a nameable disease.  The bone being served can be weakened. The tissue being served can be failing and even die also.  This is serious.  It can affect a lung, an intestine, a hand or fingers, a hip ball joint.  There are as many failures as there are nerves, and areas in your body served by them and by blood vessels.  Which means everywhere in your body.

I have been called to treat thousands of patients with this problem being the cause of their misery.  An external and visible example is the woman who came to me, saying she knew she was dying, who had been diagnosed at Kaiser only with Raynaud’s Disease. Googling: Mayo Clinic “Cold fingers or toes.  Areas of skin that turn white then blue. Depending on your skin color, these color changes may be harder or easier to see.  Numb, prickly feeling or stinging pain … most commonly affects fingers and toes. But it also can affect other areas of the body, such as nose, lips, ears and even nipples.”  “In Raynaud's disease, smaller arteries that supply blood to the skin narrow.  Primary Raynaud's is caused by disruptions in how the nervous system controls blood vessels.”

This woman had so little blood supply reaching her right hand that the flesh on three fingers was literally rotting off of her.  Even under her fingernails the flesh was just mush.  White mushy junk, which before had been supple skin and muscle, was now just dying and useless.  Painful.  Exceptionally cold, freezing hand to my touch. They diagnosed Raynaud’s but aren’t chiropractors, so could not actually restore the neck nerves (at the lower neck, brachial plexus, arm-shoulder-hand network of nerves) to normal by adjustment (or by any other way).  I thought we’d save her life, but at first I did think she would lose the rotten fleshed fingers.  In one week of chiropractic and spot on supplementation, her hand was as warm as life.  And over a couple months the dying tissue that I expected would die gangrenous, all grew completely back.  Early in treatment, I sent her back to Kaiser to get from them at no charge the test I wanted to run on her arteries blockage from plaque.  That was a failure too, with some arteries nearly completely blocked, without blood.

Which brings us to the second of the Tales of Two Blood Flows.  Which is the blockage of arteries with plaque, the number one killer, cause of death, in America and on the whole planet.  It is the cause of Heart Attacks and of Strokes.  Those two kill more people than any other causes, and by a wide margin.  It was discovered in the 1950’s that arterial gook, plaque, made up with a bunch of cholesterol in it, clogged arteries. When a chunk of that junk broke free and floated down the blood stream to block an entire tree of arterial blood supply, the area starved of oxygen died quite quickly (in a few minutes).  If that area of blood vessels went to the Heart:  Heart Attack, Cardiac Arrest.  If it went to a part of the Brain, then starved for oxygen and suddenly the brain cells died, a Stroke.  An actual area of dead brain tissue caused by stopped blood delivery.  Only recently has the Medical field learned and all now are agreed: INFLAMMATION is a key ingredient to the Plaque, Heart Attack, and Stroke universe.  So you smart ones must think again: “How are my Adrenal Glands doing?” Are they chronically exhausted, worn out, and causing wide-spread Inflammation?

The obvious first idea that doctors had was to stop eating food that contained cholesterol. No meat, butter, dairy, eggs, animal fat. That seemed logical; it just was false.  The population generally ate less of those foods to limit cholesterol, and cholesterol levels, plaque, heart attack and stroke actually got even worse! And people got even fatter too! It wasn’t until the 1980’s that some of the most aware doctors learned the hard fact that your body, your liver, makes the cholesterol that is high in your blood, and will gum up and block your arteries out of Carbohydrates. Out of Bread, Cola, pasta, potatoes, rice, beans, sweets, desserts, sugar.  OUT OF TOO MUCH CARBOHYDRATES, which is the deadly error most people make in their eating.  Remember too:  Too much carbs is the other main reason that your Adrenals burn out!

For the woman with Raynaud’s Disease, with interfered neck nerves to her hand, arm and shoulder nerve problems, who ALSO had obstructive arterial disease, plaque, which was killing her, we had to DISSOLVE HER ARTERIAL plaque.

We often send our patient to get a Calcium Score Test (CAC) to find out how much, a numeric evaluation of, the plaque that is blocking his/her arteries.  Then we have to do 4 things that most all normal (and her Kaiser) doctors couldn’t even think of, let alone do.

In brief, we have to DISSOLVE (gradually is the way of it) the plaque already blocking their blood lines.  And we have to Stop making new plaque.  Both are done nutritionally.  Precise Chiropractic Adjustments help the troubled organs recover.

  1. AN UNUSUAL SPECIALIZED NUTRIENT TO DISSOLVE PLAQUE (with both published studies showing plaque removal, and my own experience demonstrating it on my patients on objective image testing).  


  3.  A precise and little known nutritional supplement that corrects FATTY LIVER DISEASE.

  4. A NEW WAY FOR YOU TO UNDERSTAND AND CORRECT YOUR EATING so that each meal or snack isn’t making new Cholesterol in your liver, that will end up clogging your arteries and stopping blood from flowing. 

Voila!  Like my (shown on the CT scan I ordered on him) Severe Artery Blocked, Brain Fogged, Mentally and Physically weakened, patient said to me yesterday after only a week and a half of treatment: ”I WAS DYING AND DIDN’T REALLY WANT TO CARRY ON OR HAVE THE ENERGY TO LIVE. I DON’T KNOW WHAT SUICIDAL IS, BUT I THINK I WAS.  NOW I’M ALERT, ALIVE AND LOOKING FORWARD TO THE FUTURE.”  YUP.

Subluxation, Nerve Malfunction & Resulting Degeneration/Arthritis Effects on Your Health by Dr. Arlo Gordin

Your health is something natural.  You get it.  Somehow your body can turn a peanut butter and jelly sandwich into its cells and tissues.  It can heal a wound, rebuild itself, fight off an infection.  Scientists can observe that life is intelligent, responding appropriately to changes both inside and out.

Your nerve system is the one in charge of all of that. Of the trillion cells that make up your body, one out of every 15 cells is a nerve cell, whose job it is to carry information that senses and controls and coordinates all of life’s functions.  It is most crucial that your nerve system function properly, and has no interference to its electrical signals.

Certain things are needed for a healthy nerve system:  adequate rest and sleep, exercise, proper nutrition including correct minerals in your blood.  And other conditions that generate interference to nerve signals must be handled.  Subluxation is the chiropractic word for the nerve malfunctions, the "short circuits" that occur when the joints of the spine (or other joints) are displaced (sometimes minimally), and damaged (in the soft tissues:  ligaments, cartilages and spinal discs).  The result is a lack of healthy nerve signal transmission, resulting eventually in pain and in diseases from failing organs, because all your organs need healthy nerve signalling to function and do their jobs.

You have probably subluxated your spine multiple times in your life.  Falls, accidents, improper posture, sports injuries and lifting improperly are a few ways that a spine can get subluxated.  Some infants begin a sick life with subluxations from the pressures of the birth process itself.  You could try to live a life so inactive, never at risk of injury, that you’d never risk a subluxation.  But that wouldn’t be fun, and your muscles would be so weak for lack of exercise that they wouldn’t hold your spine in alignment, so you’d end up subluxated anyway.

You will hear my patients talk about their severe and chronic illnesses that were cured with effective chiropractic care:

Headaches Throat  conditions Bronchitis

Colitis, Constipation Migraines Laryngitis

Liver abnormalities Bladder infections Neck Pain

Shoulder, Arm, Elbow pain Gall bladder trouble Urinary tract disorders

TMJ (Jaw) pain Hand or wrist pain Digestive disorders

Chronic female pain Muscle spasms Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Stomach pain Infertility Nervousness

Tendonitis Ulcers Decreased sex drive

Fatigue Numbness Hiatal Hernia

Low  back pain Dizziness Thyroid illness

Cardiac Illness Sciatica Depression

Asthma Immune deficiency Leg pain, numbness

Eye & Ear disorders Lung disease Skin Rashes

Knee problems Foot pain & many others

When you realize that subluxation causes dangerous interference to nerves and disrupts health, you can understand this broad range of conditions.

Subluxations are caused not only by physical trauma or misuse of your body.  Emotional stress, chemical, dietary, and organ aggravations result in nerve malfunctions and subluxation.  Some subluxations are true pinched nerves (especially spinal ones).  Others are nerve interferences to the many nerves within and around your joints (jaw, knee, hip, shoulder, wrist, etc.) that have problems (“proprioceptive nerves”) that carry vital signals to and from the brain.

Your subluxations can sometimes be seen visibly as misalignments.  But mostly they are not visible to the naked eye.  The pinching, stretching, or irritation to nerves is their first ill-effect.  Weakness or tightness and spasm of muscles adjacent to or served by those nerves often occurs.  Inflammation, pain and numbness can be one result.  Changes to the blood flow can cut off the lifeline to organs and tissues, because all arteries and blood delivery are controlled by correct nerve signals.  Resulting control errors of organs, and organ illnesses and breakdown, immune inadequacy and failure causes numerous diagnosed illnesses, whose causes are listed as “unknown” to medical science.

Spinal subluxations start in Phase 1 with spinal vertebral misalignments, some loss of normal spinal curves and nerve short-circuits and malfunctions.  Pain and other organ illness symptoms will start in Phase 1.  This is most commonly the phase of spinal malfunction in young people.  It demonstrates no degeneration yet.

Phase 2 Subluxation-Degeneration occurs when years of uncorrected subluxation have caused malformations and disc loss in your spinal vertebral joints.  Bone spurs (malformations and distortions that can look like a bird’s beak) on the vertebrae represent the beginning of pathological joint fusion.  Your spinal motion worsens; your spinal discs shrink and narrow, degenerate and begin to die.  This is the phase of degeneration and “arthritis”.  It has numerous names:  Osteoarthritis and Degenerative Joint Disease are two of them.  In Phase 2 the nerve problems worsen, as symptoms and illnesses will also do.  When I see your x-rays in Phase 2, I will grade your degeneration as to how far through Phase 2 they are.  For example if the area of your spine is 60% “gone” I will grade it as Phase 2.6It is important to know that you can slow and improve degeneration (Arthritis) of your spine with precision Chiropractic which restores motion where there is none, and state-of-the-art nutritional supplementation.

Phase 3 occurs as degeneration is finalizing and the spine has reached permanent joint fusion and chronic health failure.  At each Phase, 1, 2, and 3 the person gets worsening mobility in the spinal areas affected, and worsening health ill-effects from the increasingly short-circuited nerves to the areas muscles and organs of the body those nerves go to and from.

Detecting the location and specifics of your subluxations is the job of a doctor of chiropractic.  Using my Advanced Applied Kinesiology, the chiropractic specialty which developed muscle-testing as a diagnostic method, I can identify your subluxations accurately.  X-rays and other testing methods may be used to provide valuable information on your nerve and organ function.

My Advanced Applied Kinesiology's methods correct by application of precise chiropractic adjustments, in which the spine is restored to improved motion and position. This provides the amazing and precise method of correcting your subluxations.  It is a fact that how chronic (how much time you've had them) and how severe your problems are, the more work it takes to correct.  The process could be compared to straightening teeth, which also requires the correct amount of time and treatment.  Follow-through to complete the corrective phase of treatment is the best course of action.  When you are fully aware of the facts of subluxation-degeneration, doing a half-baked or temporary fix, only to have a problem return and worsen again, would not make the best sense to you.

By combining for you the most advanced chiropractic methods with nutritional and natural health expertise as I do in my clinic, stupendous results and my many “miracle” cases are made possible. 

I feel that people with nerve and spinal problems who haven't gotten to receive the benefit of high quality chiropractic and natural health care is like experiencing life before there were flush toilets or like a life without modern dentistry.  Sort of primitive, not so healthy and not very fun!

It is vital for you to understand the importance of nerves and your spine in your health, the integral role they and your glands play in running your entire well-being, and the importance of correcting subluxations that are quite universally sustained by all of us, to enjoy your life as optimally healthy.

It's So Noisy In Here... I Can't Hear Myself Heal by Dr. Arlo Gordin

You've been in a place so loud that you realize you can't hear yourself think.  Or you can look on TV and notice between the BS ads (especially the ones selling you drugs with Unthinkable Side-Effects, followed by the ones for lawyers for you to get back your damages from suffering Unthinkable Side-Effects from drugs you took) and you realize that your head is supposed to be filled with that noise and get you to slavishly BUY those questionable products and services.  Yes, it seems that your world can get so noisy it is a challenge to think.  But think we must; it is the intelligent person's mandate.

I have been taking care of my patients' nerve systems for many years now, and have come to realize that my thinking about your nerve system, your subluxations (nerve system "short circuits", See my article on Subluxation & Nerve Malfunction) has been updated.

Here's the way I fix your nerve system now, and what I observe about it.  Every short circuit in your body is a source of nerve system "noise".  The bigger ones (such as a neck or low-back, a bad knee problem, a carpal tunnel wrist/hand pain) will generate a lot of nerve system static or noise.  The smaller ones, like a muscle injury, a small sprain or a minor annoyance problem generates less "noise" in your nerve system.  The nerve system acts a lot like a complex computer system with a screen.  If there is too much interference, static, or noise in signaling the monitor will display an image that isn't really that image a woman?  is it a horse?  or is that a boat?  Can't really make out what it is...

Similarly your nerve system is in the business of carrying signals and getting clear communication back and forth to run the show of your health.  Of the trillion cells in your body, 1 out of every 15 is a nerve cell.  That system of nerves is trying to get a clear "image" of all its transmission.  But often it just can't.  It seems apparent to me now after the many patients that I've successfully treated, that the amount of nerve noise, all of it added together from problems (subluxations) greater and smaller, dictates the quality of the imaging your nerve system can generate.  So now this understanding helps you and me to get the product we are seeking: Health.

For example, I have many patients who come to me with their health displaying some sort of problem (symptom).  Maybe it's a single problem, like a bad painful knee that won't let you move well.  More often it becomes a list of problems including a couple off the top of their heads, but after filling out a more comprehensive history form questioning of many types of symptoms, it turns out they've listed 12 or 16 complaints (to their surprise!)  When I examine them it is SELDOM that only one problem point is found, there are often many.  Some leg muscles won't give any strength, and arm and hand muscles, and neck muscles.  Most patients didn't know they had these weak muscle areas displaying subluxations and nerve short circuits.  The weakness may not be directly related (it seems to them) to the problem areas they complain of as painful or malfunctioning, or the symptoms of their organs that seem to be working poorly.

But it turns out it is the SUM of all of those short circuited areas that makes up the accumulation of the nerve noise that keeps your system from receiving crisp clear images and delivering neat and accurate commands.  The noise becomes just too great.  It becomes the defined level of nerve system stress that your control system operates with, and the level of distortion that your nerve system operates with and the burden of miscommunication that scrambles your health balance and wrecks or diminishes your senses of well-being.

That's why in the Ligament Stretch Syndrome patient (See my write-ups on Adrenals and on Ligament Stretch Syndrome) my Chiropractic goal as we kick-start their adrenals up from comatose to get up to terribly poor function, is to adjust the subluxated areas to QUIET DOWN the levels of nerve noise.  That is one essential part of getting the adrenals to Un-Stress to succeed in waking them up.  Get the nerve noise level DOWN.  Now the body can hear itself think!  And begin properly the process of controlling healing.

Most of the time (and after Ligament Stretch Syndrome has been "graduated" by those who had it) the Chiropractic adjustments' purpose is to correct and heal the damaged areas that are sourcing the noisiness into the system.  As they are adjusted, and as the ligaments that hold them heal, the noise level continues to be less and less.  As the system "quiets down", the body gets clear signaling.  The image on the screen, if you will, can be actually seen!  The signals coming from an area about its status arrive intact.  The signals carrying orders out on the functional control of that area, or, for instance, the activation of a strong muscle to do its job and contract, now arrive with full force and accuracy, and the area responds properly.  When all has recovered and healed, then the noise levels should be QUIET.  Does that mean that new problems and the wear and tear of living and of operating your body actively will not result in new subluxations, and from them increase the noise and static in your nerve system?  No, unfortunately life tends to accumulate such things.  The reason Maintenance Chiropractic has been shown to reduce illness, extend life, reduce the occurrence of severe (and deadly) ill health events is because it CATCHES these things when they are new and smallest, eliminating them and keeping the nerve system's noise DOWN.

The beauty of Advanced Applied Kinesiology and the comprehensive checking technique I have developed is that subluxations and Nerve Static sources are tested throughout the body.  Spine: Neck, Mid, Lower Back, Pelvis and Hip system.  Head, Neck, Jaw, Shoulders, Arm and Hands. Hip multi functions, Leg Front and Hamstrings, Knee, Ankle, Foot and Toes.  Torso, Glands, Organs, Digestion and Elimination.  All that and more tested on you and EVERY one of my new patients!  That means all the major potential short circuits and sources of Nerve System Noise checked for you.  And corrected.  Result: You get Quieter Nerve, Spinal Cord and Brain function.  Result: Control of your body goes IN.  Result: our weekly fare of new "miracle" health restoration cases.  (Today I took in a new patient who had seen 26 doctors in 8 years, and never had his symptoms leave for a day!  I found all the sources of his noisy nerve system, and I can virtually guarantee that in short order his unrelenting pain, fatigue and fogginess will be GONE as the noise is eliminated, and his glands restored to working again.)

Can you picture the effect when it is so Quiet inside you can hear yourself Heal?