
Musicians' Hands and Other Instrumentalists' Problems by Dr. Arlo Gordin

One of the most specialized areas of my practice has been in fixing musicians’ problems.  This has included some of the best and most respected players in the world of music.  From guitarists, drummers and bassists to violinists, pianists and saxophonists, musicians require a level of dexterity, control, speed, and nimbleness that few equal.  A player cannot perform at his best if he has pain, numbness, lack of control, or similar problems.  These types of problems can threaten your career, and mess with your mind.  Many times I’ve had players who were stopped from playing at all.  For some, the severity was so great that they were despondent about losing their ability to pursue their love of music.  I’ve felt for those who have been so plagued, and have been most jazzed to have helped so many return to their art and their love.  Most have told me that before coming to me, every other doctor and treatment they'd tried had failed.


Every day I treat new patients with problems in the hands, fingers, thumbs, wrists, forearms, elbows, upper arms, shoulders or neck.  These can come as a single limited area of pain, numbness or weakness, or in combinations.


My reputation in this area of health restoration is so great that many musicians in the L.A. area have heard of my success, and know friends who have been fixed by me. Many others travel from great distances to receive care from me.  I get calls from people suffering with these problems from New York to Tokyo. I have treated musicians from most all continents and nations, from Europe to Asia to South America.  Function of hands and arms is a key aspect of most players’ lives.  


Most of the problems musicians bring me actually come from problems in their nerves and  joints. The clue that the problems are usually from nerves is the type of symptoms that are caused.  Pain comes from nerves. Numbness comes from nerves. Parts that won’t function normally and rapidly usually are almost never damaged muscles, but are failures of nerves to control the muscles and signal to and from them properly. Joint malfunction plays a key role in most nerve malfunctions. The rich and complex interplay of nerve signals telling your brain where every part of your arm and hands are precisely located and doing, and the outflow of nerve information telling the muscles and even blood flow control nerves to your arteries what they need to be doing NOW is nothing short of AMAZING.


To understate the matter, your system of nerve control is unimaginably complex and detailed. Your body devotes a tremendous amount of your brain and nerves to the job of controlling your hands, arms, fingers, etc.  And for this reason, doctors find that this is not the simplest area to understand and treat successfully.


It’s therefore no big surprise that most doctors, even chiropractors and acupuncturists are not well-versed in dealing with these conditions. Nearly all are unable to even test or diagnose them effectively.  The medical tools for diagnosis are most frequently served with an off-the-cuff-guessagnois.  The somewhat traumatic tool of inserting needle electrodes to see which muscles or nerves aren't electrically intact are, in our humble opinion, barbaric, and prove to be unnecessary. Add to that, the information generated on those tests almost never creates an applicable approach to curing or eliminating the pain, numbness or lack of control or endurance in playing.  You may often, at best, hope for a nice latin translation into medical diagnostic terminology which gives you back nothing but what you just explained to the specialist were your symptoms!  Tendinitis, repetitive stress injury, carpal tunnel syndrome, all impressive sounding names.  Now go wear this brace or take this drug, or we'll cut on you in a surgery.  So pray that those things bring you temporary relief, and pray again that it lasts a month or a year! 


Effective methods of understanding and correcting are not taught in medical professional schools.  Yes they've given your problem a name that sounds fancy, but when they really don’t know what is causing it, or generally even where the problem starts from in your body, they can't fix it. Even most “hand specialists” still only offer anti-inflammatory or pain killing nerve-doping drugs (just a cover-up and temporary), cortisone (dangerous and destructive in long term use), braces (of slim usefulness), and surgeries (with very patchy odds of improvement or cure). No wonder most musicians with such problems can be driven to desperation.


The development and use of techniques that analyze WHAT exactly is the problem, WHERE exactly is it caused, and most important WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE TO FIX IT is a major breakthrough for musicians.  Where are the circuits shorted out?  Exactly?  Whether they start in your neck (where all nerves to shoulder, arm, hand and fingers must pass), the  multiple possible problem areas of shoulder system, elbow system, wrist system, or even in the fingers or thumbs, the tests I'll use will pinpoint the area(s) where the problem sources. You will find the muscle testing methods of identifying the exact problems you have aren't something you've probably seen before.  And the specific "adjustments" and treatments aren't either.  The use of ligament, joint, muscle and nerve repairing nutrition may be necessary to get both the quick improvement and the permanent fix you want and need for your artistry and your career.


I have more stories of success in this specialized niche of health care than either of us have time to recount. Easily coming to mind is an artist voted the best drummer in the world (and is in my book!) who called me with a hand problem so great that he didn't think he could take the stage for a show that night.  One treatment and he played effortlessly and painlessly that evening. Credit these superb and accurate Advanced Applied Kinesiology techniques for such a great and immediate response.


The return of players to the instruments they love, to play without pain, symptom or interference is a great satisfaction to me.  My office is full of success stories and thank you letters from the musicians who have benefited from our research and spot-on delivery of correction.  Numerous of the greatest and most reputable player magazines have done feature articles on me and my work with musicians:  Guitar Player, Guitar for the Practicing Musician, Bass Player, Modern Drummer, Keyboards.  Not because I had a publicist working for me; I didn't and don't.  These mags sent their journalists out to interview and write on my work helping their players only because players and celebs I had helped told them they'd best do so and so do a favor to their reading public.


Other problems too can affect musicians. Drummers and other instrumentalists often have back and spine problems, from the way they sit and play, or from lifting their gear. The neck is often an important area to be analyzed and corrected in many hand and wrist conditions.  Nerves to the hands and arm can be pinched in the neck, more often than not without the person even having a clue it’s there. Nutrition is often an important element in the fast correction of tough problems. I have fixed hands and wrists of people who already had carpal tunnel (even multiple surgeries!) or other surgeries for these exact problems, and those surgeries had failed.


Do you want to know more about this area of my specialized work than can be covered here?  On YouTube, go to Dr Arlo Gordin, and watch Musicians Hands, that covers this area quite completely. Or click here!


It’s my belief that you, our artists, deserve to create.  I understand how an arm or hand or finger that won't do what you need it to do can frustrate or nearly destroy you. I want you to know that the natural way is most often the best.  And I want you to get the job that you need done immediately and right.

It's So Noisy In Here... I Can't Hear Myself Heal by Dr. Arlo Gordin

You've been in a place so loud that you realize you can't hear yourself think.  Or you can look on TV and notice between the BS ads (especially the ones selling you drugs with Unthinkable Side-Effects, followed by the ones for lawyers for you to get back your damages from suffering Unthinkable Side-Effects from drugs you took) and you realize that your head is supposed to be filled with that noise and get you to slavishly BUY those questionable products and services.  Yes, it seems that your world can get so noisy it is a challenge to think.  But think we must; it is the intelligent person's mandate.

I have been taking care of my patients' nerve systems for many years now, and have come to realize that my thinking about your nerve system, your subluxations (nerve system "short circuits", See my article on Subluxation & Nerve Malfunction) has been updated.

Here's the way I fix your nerve system now, and what I observe about it.  Every short circuit in your body is a source of nerve system "noise".  The bigger ones (such as a neck or low-back, a bad knee problem, a carpal tunnel wrist/hand pain) will generate a lot of nerve system static or noise.  The smaller ones, like a muscle injury, a small sprain or a minor annoyance problem generates less "noise" in your nerve system.  The nerve system acts a lot like a complex computer system with a screen.  If there is too much interference, static, or noise in signaling the monitor will display an image that isn't really that image a woman?  is it a horse?  or is that a boat?  Can't really make out what it is...

Similarly your nerve system is in the business of carrying signals and getting clear communication back and forth to run the show of your health.  Of the trillion cells in your body, 1 out of every 15 is a nerve cell.  That system of nerves is trying to get a clear "image" of all its transmission.  But often it just can't.  It seems apparent to me now after the many patients that I've successfully treated, that the amount of nerve noise, all of it added together from problems (subluxations) greater and smaller, dictates the quality of the imaging your nerve system can generate.  So now this understanding helps you and me to get the product we are seeking: Health.

For example, I have many patients who come to me with their health displaying some sort of problem (symptom).  Maybe it's a single problem, like a bad painful knee that won't let you move well.  More often it becomes a list of problems including a couple off the top of their heads, but after filling out a more comprehensive history form questioning of many types of symptoms, it turns out they've listed 12 or 16 complaints (to their surprise!)  When I examine them it is SELDOM that only one problem point is found, there are often many.  Some leg muscles won't give any strength, and arm and hand muscles, and neck muscles.  Most patients didn't know they had these weak muscle areas displaying subluxations and nerve short circuits.  The weakness may not be directly related (it seems to them) to the problem areas they complain of as painful or malfunctioning, or the symptoms of their organs that seem to be working poorly.

But it turns out it is the SUM of all of those short circuited areas that makes up the accumulation of the nerve noise that keeps your system from receiving crisp clear images and delivering neat and accurate commands.  The noise becomes just too great.  It becomes the defined level of nerve system stress that your control system operates with, and the level of distortion that your nerve system operates with and the burden of miscommunication that scrambles your health balance and wrecks or diminishes your senses of well-being.

That's why in the Ligament Stretch Syndrome patient (See my write-ups on Adrenals and on Ligament Stretch Syndrome) my Chiropractic goal as we kick-start their adrenals up from comatose to get up to terribly poor function, is to adjust the subluxated areas to QUIET DOWN the levels of nerve noise.  That is one essential part of getting the adrenals to Un-Stress to succeed in waking them up.  Get the nerve noise level DOWN.  Now the body can hear itself think!  And begin properly the process of controlling healing.

Most of the time (and after Ligament Stretch Syndrome has been "graduated" by those who had it) the Chiropractic adjustments' purpose is to correct and heal the damaged areas that are sourcing the noisiness into the system.  As they are adjusted, and as the ligaments that hold them heal, the noise level continues to be less and less.  As the system "quiets down", the body gets clear signaling.  The image on the screen, if you will, can be actually seen!  The signals coming from an area about its status arrive intact.  The signals carrying orders out on the functional control of that area, or, for instance, the activation of a strong muscle to do its job and contract, now arrive with full force and accuracy, and the area responds properly.  When all has recovered and healed, then the noise levels should be QUIET.  Does that mean that new problems and the wear and tear of living and of operating your body actively will not result in new subluxations, and from them increase the noise and static in your nerve system?  No, unfortunately life tends to accumulate such things.  The reason Maintenance Chiropractic has been shown to reduce illness, extend life, reduce the occurrence of severe (and deadly) ill health events is because it CATCHES these things when they are new and smallest, eliminating them and keeping the nerve system's noise DOWN.

The beauty of Advanced Applied Kinesiology and the comprehensive checking technique I have developed is that subluxations and Nerve Static sources are tested throughout the body.  Spine: Neck, Mid, Lower Back, Pelvis and Hip system.  Head, Neck, Jaw, Shoulders, Arm and Hands. Hip multi functions, Leg Front and Hamstrings, Knee, Ankle, Foot and Toes.  Torso, Glands, Organs, Digestion and Elimination.  All that and more tested on you and EVERY one of my new patients!  That means all the major potential short circuits and sources of Nerve System Noise checked for you.  And corrected.  Result: You get Quieter Nerve, Spinal Cord and Brain function.  Result: Control of your body goes IN.  Result: our weekly fare of new "miracle" health restoration cases.  (Today I took in a new patient who had seen 26 doctors in 8 years, and never had his symptoms leave for a day!  I found all the sources of his noisy nerve system, and I can virtually guarantee that in short order his unrelenting pain, fatigue and fogginess will be GONE as the noise is eliminated, and his glands restored to working again.)

Can you picture the effect when it is so Quiet inside you can hear yourself Heal?