Ok, no more music:  What does one do when one has geared his/her life solely to a life of music performance . . . and suddenly finds that to perform a simple trill on the keyboard has become an absolute impossibility?  I asked myself six years ago . . . “have you thought of taking up the plumbing profession, carpentry, fire fighting, banking, becoming an agent,  . . . how about retiring to the hills of Montana, etc.?”.

Waiting to die.  A little History:  Six years ago . . . and soon after riding ‘just another wave’ in Hawaii and slamming on the sand head first (not unlike slamming onto the sand as a teenager in a similar wave) I woke up the next morning with dizzy spells, and an alarming weakness encompassing my whole right side.  Approximately a month later I experienced a more frightening sensation.  An almost complete numbness and paralysis on the right side of my whole body.  I immediately hit the doctor circuit:  Neurologists, NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance), Acupuncturists, other Chiropractors . . . you name it . . . I tried it.  I was told that symptoms like the ones I described above could possibly mean a brain tumor.  After up-dating my will . . . and for the next six years, learning to live with my new disability, that is . . . no more piano playing, I literally waited to die.

Dr. Gordin to the rescue:  A brilliant publicity agent in Hollywood introduced me to Dr. Arlo Gordin. My initial conversation with Arlo convinced me to come in for the various tests and x-rays necessary for the proper treatment.

I found my trill:  Without unnecessary rhetoric, Dr. Gordin has since fixed my neck problem (and the restricted nerves involved) and his treatments have enabled me to go back to playing keyboards; trilling keys like Fats Domino, therefore allowing me to share my musical talents (which I used to take for granted) with the world once again.
