62 seconds of examination and treatment and BOOM, CANCEL MY SURGERY PLEASE!

I was 3 weeks out scheduled for a surgery to remove my first rib that was compressing my artery veins, causing me harsh pain, and putting me at risk for a blood clot that would be detrimental. I could not raise my arm for 20 seconds without shooting pains going down my fingers and my hand was becoming increasingly red every day due to restricted blood flow. I was extremely concerned. Chest surgeons told me that I needed surgery and any alternative was a one in a million chance. I knew from being healed by Dr. Gordin in the past that if there was anybody who is the one-in-a-million person, that it is him. I booked a flight from New York City to have Dr. Gordin’s opinion and within one consultation and adjustment he miraculously healed me. I could raise my arm endlessly without any pain after holding my arm up for any length of time and all the redness and swelling vanished. Keep in mind, I saw about 50 doctors and healers throughout this process and Dr. Gordin is the one and only best. Dr. Gordin’s work is MAGIC! He can share endless Miracle Stories like mine and he is so proud of these Major accomplishments saving so many lives. Dr. Gordin is extremely special.

Thank You! Go See Him!
