
Ligament Stretch Syndrome The Toilet Bowl of Adrenal Exhaustion by Dr. Arlo Gordin

Many people suffer from stressed-out, tired adrenal glands, a very common problem.  The typical symptoms can include fatigue, headaches, pain and aches, inflammatory conditions (problems that end in “-itis”, bronchitis, dermatitis, colitis, etc.), low blood sugar, rashes, swellings, allergies, asthma, or numerous others.  Low adrenals often cause, underlie, or aggravate many health problems.

Of those many people with worn-down adrenals, a significant group has a condition known as “ligament stretch syndrome”.  This problem gets its name from the effect it often has on the joints.  When the adrenal hormones are so low that they leave the joints and ligaments (tissues that hold the bones of joints in place and allow for their determined range of movement) undernourished, a person will fail a test from Applied Kinesiology, the chiropractic specialty that developed muscle-testing as a health analytic method.  The doctor tests the muscle strength in an arm or leg, then gives a quick tug on the arm or leg tested.  On instantly re-testing, the muscle strength is greatly reduced.  People of good adrenal health don’t weaken after such a small quick jerk across the joints, only the ones with “ligament stretch syndrome”.

If you have ligament stretch syndrome then you score below the typical and common low adrenal patient.  At that point you really have hit the toilet bowl of adrenal gland exhaustion, decreased function, and reduced hormone output.  Any of the typical low adrenal health conditions exist for the ligament stretch patient, but special patterns of symptoms tend to be found.  As a “ligament stretch syndrome” patient you may have some of these following described symptoms, usually not all of them.  Fatigue can be present and can be extreme; like your engine never really gets going.  Because the joints are poorly kept up with hormones, you could feel that you can’t do normal physical or athletic activities.  The result is new pain and a sense of injury.  “I can’t play racquetball, or I’ll hurt a wrist or ankle.”  “I can’t work out, or I’ll hurt my back or knee (or whatever!)”  These migrating multiple pains could cause you to be so careful of physical activities, so that both family and friends begin to think you're losing it.  You may consider that you've become a hypochondriac, but all of the pains and symptoms that are real; the little things that shouldn’t cause pain, could make you miserable.  And your injuries don’t heal well.  The ligament stretch syndrome patient often has multiple areas of pain, multiple areas of chronic injury.

You may feel constantly mis-aligned or out-of-adjustment.  But this is the patient who complains that chiropractic adjustments don’t “hold”.  Even worse, adjustments may have caused pain (a great adjustment doesn’t hurt a patient, not usually, unless ligament stretch syndrome is present).  So some feel a need for an adjustment, but what’s the use?  I feel I need one, it might hurt me, so I can’t have one...what a hassle!

A terrible hopelessness affects many of these patients.  They feel that they can never get well.  It’s a hopeless type of depression.  Their inflammatory conditions can be horrible.  Patients with fibromyalgia (the horrible pain in joints and muscles) almost always have “ligament stretch syndrome”, as do people with severe auto-immune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis.  Headaches can be of the more severe types, often migraines.  Poor immunity and frequent colds or infections can result.

What a mess!  These patients are the doctor’s and chiropractor’s nightmare:  non-recovery and constant severe complaints.  Until the research uncovering ligament stretch syndrome was made, these patients had no likely hope of health.  And they are magnets for medications and the prescription pad: pain killers, anti-inflammatories, migraine drugs, arthritis meds, even anti-depressants.  Some "self-medicate" abusing alcohol or other substances.

The treatment for this condition is specific.  The patient must take the correct adrenal nutrient, often trickling the dose every waking hour, at first.  The adrenals must be “kick-started” in this way or they usually won’t “wake-up” at all.  The average patient will complete this hourly dosage in one week;  some will take longer, and some shorter.  When they pass the ligament stretch test, they’re off the hourly adrenal.  Now they’ve graduated up to terrible adrenals, still lower than most patients with low adrenals!  (At this point adjustments become painless and more helpful.)  And still more adrenal repair needs to be done.

If you have this problem, you must learn all the information on low adrenals and low blood sugar, and do everything possible to help them repair, and eliminate all things possible that tear them down.  Diet, stress management and supplementation are positioned at the top of the list of useful things.  Watch our videos on YouTube to learn in detail about adrenals:  Energy, Blood Sugar is the one that explains adrenal health, disease and recovery in detail.

With the breakthrough of understanding the diagnosis and treatment of this condition, some of the most tortured patients that ever cross a doctor’s door can be miraculously helped, brought to a high level of physical and mental health and well-being.  Severe asthma, pain syndromes, allergic, headache, migraine, auto-immune patients can most frequently be brought "back to life".

Testing for whether this problem exists is easy and fast.  We test/screen it on every new patient.  Because when it is present, if not treated first, we'll be banging our heads on the door of failure. 

If you sense that this information sounds like you, do yourself the greatest health favor ever, and have it checked.  If it tests positive and you do the things that reverse it, you may likely find the light of health shining on you in ways you've forgotten or lost hope of attaining.


Many of us were drilled to believe that coffee (and tea) and caffeine were health no-no's and should be avoided.

For quite some time now, I have re-evaluated coffee and tea and I feel that it may well be interesting to you to consider some research, data and viewpoints.

It has been observed that many of the longest lived people on planet Earth drink coffee or tea at intervals through the day.  That type of data generally makes me consider that the item being considered may, at the least, be unlikely to be a life-shortener.

For many years it has been known that coffee will stimulate the production of adrenal hormones and for this reason any conclusion I submit here would be to use moderate amounts of coffee or tea (as for example 3-4 times/day).  Not massive intake.  To overdose on too much of these seems to court adrenal and other hormonal ill effects.  And if you know of my successful health strategies with my patients, adrenal "wake-up" and rebuilding are a corner post of many health programs.  Adrenal burn-out is epidemic and the underlying key factor in many pain, blood sugar, headache, migraine, inflammatory, allergic, asthmatic, autoimmune errors which go by myriads of names and diagnoses.  (For more on this topic go to Dr Arlo Gordin on YouTube and watch my presentations of 1) Glandular Understanding and 2) Energy Blood Sugar and the Zone (adrenals covered in worthwhile detail there).

I am a board certified Anti-Aging physician through the Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. Our brain division is involved in many fascinating areas of brain understanding and preventing/reversing the unwanted effects of aging on our brains; certainly one area of anti-aging that all of us would hope to benefit from.

Loss of memory, slowing thought, brain "aging", Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s:  Some of our top researchers observe that in our brains (electrical organs as they are) as we age they drop in both electrical voltage and speed. The consideration that these electrical slowdowns eventually make the firing of brain synapses slower, and when electrically challenged to exceedingly low power and speed, impede the brain's most basic activity: to fire and to work.

Strategies to speed up and up-power the brain are one area of current anti-aging activity.

Simply speaking, coffee is found to speed up brain activity. Studies state that coffee reduces risk of memory loss and Alzheimer’s.  It is considered that coffee causes the quite valuable blood-brain barrier to remain more impervious to degrading and it’s use is linked to better mood and less depression. Coffee appears to reduce the creation of plaques in the brain, considered the diagnostic mark of Alzheimer’s Disease.¹ Coffee has been studied and seems to prevent or diminish risk of death — it has been studied to provide a 15% reduction in cardiovascular disease. Studies have demonstrated that coffee use reduces incidence of high blood sugar and diabetes (a devastating disease and the most expensive disease to pay for in America; also an epidemic worldwide).  This as well as, some studies show, reducing the incidence of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.²

Although you can read health and scientific opinions that coffee can either kill you or help you stay young alert and healthy, I've long made my own and current evaluation of the data and opinion.

My espresso maker gets hot several times daily and has for years.


1. “Coffee Combats Alzheimer’s Risk.” WorldHealth, 2015,

2. “New Health Benefits from Daily Coffee - Life Extension.” Life Extension The Science of a Healthier Life,