Incurable Diseases Ha! by Dr. Arlo Gordin

Each week patients come to me with problems.  Problems that they know cannot be fixed.  Sometimes they just embark on our way of treating them to humor someone who referred them to me.  After all, this doctor has an attitude that he can fix something that all the GREAT EXPERTS have carefully informed them are incurable, uncorrectable, marginally treatable and certainly not fixable.


They have digestive disorders: hiatal hernias, acid reflux, colitis, that can be treated, that can be managed by drug intake everyday, but cannot be eliminated.  Medical facts!


They have migraines, for which there is no cure, but only new and more expensive drugs to cover up the pain. But the next one will surely occur as before, because the drugs only mask the pain for a brief time, never addressing the cause.


They have pain problems, damaged discs, torn cartilages, destroyed ligaments, surgeries that were “successful”, yet still they are in pain.  Great doctors, surgeons, people with big institutions, lots of training and altitude have informed them sadly that they must “learn to live with the pain”.  So they have chronic pain chat rooms, and pain "management" clinics to inject and drug them.


They have nerve problems with weaknesses, pains, numbnesses, and malfunctions that have names, but alas, there is no permanently effective treatment.  They can't sleep because of those same nerve problems, and maybe can't think clearly (or happily) either!  Every symptom picture like these can have a weighty and impressive sounding diagnostic name, and most will be only "treated" by an MD, while considered incurable!


They have inflammatory diseases, auto-immune diseases (problems where the body is attacking itself), with immune and pain response systems that hyperactive, or overstressed and irritated. These include Asthma, Crohn's disease and Fibromyalgia. They have fancy names: they could be very serious, some deadly.  Cortisone, steroids and stronger and more dangerous medications need to be prescribed.  And you are asked to tolerate the sometimes horrible side effects of those meds.


They have weak immune systems that can't defend their health.  They get sick when others don't; every germ on the prowl seems to have their name on it.  They get too many colds and flu.  They hang on to illnesses too long, and can't get rid of them.  They could be taking lots of medication, but their immune systems don't ever improve with taking them.  They know that probably they will just keep getting worse with all the meds they take.


They are infertile, can't get or stay pregnant without miscarrying.  The problem often can't be "fixed" so they pay a small fortune in money (and mental stress galore) to implant an embryo in the womb, because their bodies can't get that fertilized egg to occur naturally.


They have depression, which can be treated with medication, but unfortunately the medication is not even meant to be a cure.  They are told they have a "chemical imbalance" and adding these drugs every day will do "something" good about their brain.  They are informed if they quit the drug, they will probably be as bad as ever when it wears off, maybe much worse!  And the side effects of the drug are themselves depressing, or even deadly.


They have constipation, that cannot really be understood, but is just something they will deal with somehow throughout life, as their bodies get more poisoned by waste that stays inside them too long. Waste that now is destined to be reabsorbed through their digestion and into their bloodstream.  But of course, there are drugs to take "for temporary relief".


They have high cholesterol, but the diet their doctor told them to follow doesn’t correct their problem at all. Oh, and the prescribed drug can only temporarily lower the cholesterol numbers, but not cure the problem or fix the cause. Nor can that drug get you healthy!


They have blood sugar problems, lacking the supply of fuel that runs your body and your brain.  So they are fatigued and cannot sustain their energy from one meal to the next.  Nothing can be done.  They are told they are just plain tired out or just "getting old".  And all of that comes with aging, don't you know?


There are myriad other conditions with big and small names that are incurable. And yet, every week I have new success stories from patients who had incurable diseases and unfixable problems, problems that are now GONE. What gives???? Somehow, these, and many others with well-informed certainty that no cure exists, mysteriously got well!


The answer is getting to the CAUSE of a problem, not contenting oneself with simply lessening the symptoms temporarily.  The cause is something needed, actually NEEDED for health that isn’t there or isn’t there enough.  To fix the cause:  SUPPLY WHAT IS NEEDED (such as a nutrient!).  Or it is something INTERFERING with a flow or process that is necessary for health.  Then to fix the cause of that problem: REMOVE THE INTERFERENCE (such as a pinched or short-circuited nerve network!)  It may be an IRRITANT, a toxin or bug (such as bacteria or virus) that is causing health to be out of healthy balance.  To fix that problem ensure that the body GETS RID OF THAT OVERLOAD on its system.  It may be a body part that is RUN-DOWN, WORN-OUT, overtaxed, misused and abused and just plain shot.  In that case to fix the cause, HELP THE BODY RE-BUILD, re-supply, and re-juvenate the worn out gland or organ.


Yet, think for a moment.  When does the usual medical approach supply a nutrient, something NEEDED?  It doesn’t happen; they aren't trained to think or work that way.  When does the medical doctor act to UNBLOCK an interference to body communication and expression of health?  That’s quite infrequent, isn’t it?  When does an MD act to DETOXIFY a body, or HELP ITS IMMUNE system, other than using an antibiotic to kill the bacteria? Or to give chemical drugs that are most often themselves toxic, and add to your body's toxic burden?  And when that bacteria doesn't give in to their drug?  What then?  Try another toxic drug?  And when is a run-down organ helped to REBUILD by an MD? Not really ever, as the concept somehow also isn’t in the approach of medicine.  In fact for so many errors in body FUNCTION the medical approach is lacking in OUTLOOK and UNDERSTANDING and therefore not generating a REAL RESULT.  Isn't that approach to health, longevity and physical well-being just too antiquated and incomplete to serve your needs? Too limited in results to serve an American public that is brighter, not so easily dictated to, and living longer lives that we desire to be active, capable, enjoyable and healthy?


So it is the NEW HEALTHCARE, the one that includes Advanced Applied Kinesiology that asks the question: what are the CAUSES of this problem, of this "symptom picture", and how can I address those? Great and respected experts can honestly inform you that your problem cannot be fixed. And they are right:  your problem can't be fixed, by THEM!  But the doctor who can correctly deal with the CAUSES of your health problems, will be the one who can inform you that the condition you "know" so much about, may actually be fixable.  And then guide you on how to do exactly that.


There you have the reasons we have cured so many incurable diseases.