My Acne Story
“I can tell you since I started, not only have I not gotten any cysts, but my skin is like new.” - A.F.
I want to thank you again and again for what you have done for me. It’s taken so much stress off my shoulders and I can just be relaxed about my skin. Thank you again and again.
Beginning in my Junior Year of high school, I started struggling with acne. But not just any acne, Cystic Acne. Every now and then I would get a marble sized bump on my face, and commonly in the most obvious spots like on my lip or the tip of my nose, and it would last for 3 months or longer. You can imagine my grief going to face my peers every day with an ugly bump on my face. It was a nightmare. After trying every beauty product you could imagine, every home remedy, every magic potion, I finally found a temporary solution with a dermatologist. She made a deal with me where I could make a same-day appointment and come in for a cortisone shot when I got a cyst. Although I had this, it did not get rid of my acne and only treated the symptoms. I found myself constantly treating my face. Every night if I did not want to flare up, I would have to do a clay mask, wash my face twice and put various creams on my skin. I couldn’t afford to slip up on my routine or I would pay the consequences. This kept on until I turned 20 years old.
Finally, in my desperate state, I left it up to Divine Intervention, and prayed to the Lord to clear my skin. No exaggeration, a week later, I decided to attend my sister’s appointment with Dr. Gordin with her, just out of curiosity (He is treating her asthma.). Sitting in the appointment, Dr. Gordin asked me about myself and the conversation ended up talking about my acne problem. He simply told me it was likely that he could treat me, but he had to run a couple of tests to see. He tested me, and aside from perfect health, I had three things wrong that all linked to my acne problem. The first was two pinched nerves in my neck which was stopping proper blood flow to my face. The second was a bacterial infection in my neck area. The last one was that I had low adrenals. Basically, my body was fighting bacteria on the outside rather than the inside. Dr. Gordin gave me a couple supplements to take, and he gave me adjustments for about a month or so.
I can tell you since I started, not only have I not gotten any cysts, but my skin is like new. NO ACNE and I only do clay masks for fun. I can eat whatever I feel like now too. My skin is no longer a problem for me. I am so relieved. The acne days are OVER. I can say for sure that Dr. Gordin is a miracle man. I will forever be a patient of his and be referring people to him.