My Stomach Story!!!
I finally started to feel normal and healthy, instead of like the Walking Dead! So MANY THANKS!!!!!
When I first came to see Dr. Gordin I was about 2 months pregnant. I was pre-diabetic with my blood sugar WAY too high. This is approaching a very dangerous and deadly pregnancy situation. My stomach had been destroyed by antibiotics. I previously couldn’t quit eating sugar without going comatose. Maybe worse, I could barely eat anything or even get out of bed. I had NO energy, no muscle tone really, and even walking to my car was exhausting!
We started addressing my burnt out adrenals and I almost immediately felt better. The need and craving for sugar started then to de-intensify. My energy gradually started to return.
We did things to repair my stomach from having been burnt out by strong antibiotics. Dr. Gordin tested me and found out I had a “hiatal hernia” (jam up with the nerves and the stomach and diaphragm, causes “reflux” (stomach acid back-flowing up the food tube). He fixed that.
And then Dr. Gordin, using one special herb supplement, fixed the infection that had caused me to be perpetually stuck taking antibiotics in the first place!
My blood sugar came back into the normal range and I finally started to feel normal and healthy, instead of like the Walking Dead! So MANY THANKS!!!!!