AD Success Story

Thursday morning as I was reaching for an item my back went into spasms.  I was in such excruciating pain that I had to crawl to where my nine month old son was playing.  My husband had to rush home to pick me and our son off the floor.  The pain was so unbearable that I could not even walk to Dr. Gordin's office without assistance.  To get me on and off the examining table they had use the hydraulic examining table.  When Dr. Gordin went to examine my back the screams could be heard through out the office.  It was extremely frightening for me. 

Today is Monday, four days, just 96 hours later, and I am not only able to walk on my own but I am also able to pick up my son!!!

Dr. Gordin I will never be able to say thank you enough.

A. D.